Do you want to support our work while also receiving recognition among our dancers, audiences and many supporters? Sponsors help us provide supplemental funds for the city's dance program and scholarships to ensure that no dancer is unable to participate because of inability to pay. Help us sustain and advance our mission while sharing your brand with an audience of thousands by becoming a sponsor! Read more about individual and small business sponsorships or email the Sponsorship Chair to learn more about corporate sponsorships.
Do you want to support our work while also receiving recognition among our dancers, audiences and many supporters? Sponsors help us provide supplemental funds for the city's dance program and scholarships to ensure that no dancer is unable to participate because of inability to pay. Help us sustain and advance our mission while sharing your brand with an audience of thousands by becoming a sponsor! Read more about individual and small business sponsorships or email the Sponsorship Chair to learn more about corporate sponsorships.
In partnership with Metro Parks Dance Division & Friends of Metro Dance, and with support from the Tennessee Arts Commission, Animata Arts will offer residencies at Centennial Performing Arts Studios consisting of regular, reliable, and dedicated dance space for rehearsals free of charge, provide artist stipends, and host feedback labs for the creation of new works culminating in a performance open to the public as well as provide professional documentation of the work for the artist at the end of the process. If you are interested in investing in local talent and enhancing the quality of work of the artists-in-residence, consider becoming an Individual, Earth, Wind or Fire Sponsor or click here to learn more about our sponsor levels and benefits.